Are you working with a real estate agent?
Estimate your credit score:
Do you have a co-borrower?
Low Credit - ReScore Referral
We appreciate you taking the time to fill out our request form and your interest in working with us!
Due to your current self-reported credit situation, we may not have the right loan programs available to serve your needs.
We want to make sure you are in the best position to succeed, so we highly recommend that you schedule a consultation with our Credit Coach partner, Janna Fox of ReScore, so that we can get an accurate look at your credit profile.
Janna Fox
CEO of ReScore
Office: (816) 683-2903
Mobile: (816) 686-9860
Email: janna@rescoreyourlife.com
Hit "Help me with my credit" below or directly contact Janna with her information above. More times than not, you are just a few changes away from being in a better credit position.